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Have a DTS-6AD with one of the three CD-ROM drives that opens normally with the button, but immediately closes. I can get a disc in before it closes and the drive works/plays fine. Has anyone "operated" on one of these drives and can suggest the problem? Is there an open-end-of-travel contact or switch not operating that causes the immediate closing?
Is the tray coming out “all the way” then going back in half a second or so later? Is the tray moving smoothly? One thing to try is to eject the tray and gently pull out on it to see if it pulls out a little more. You don’t have to pull very hard to feel it. There is in fact a switch that tells the logic board inside the drive that the tray is all the way out but these rarely actually go bad. This is the switch that tells the tray to close when one does the ever famous “push the front of the tray” to close the drive. It is more likely that the mechanism responsible for movement of the tray that is getting hung up. If the tray is unable to satisfy this switch the controller thinks that it is stuck so for its own safety it closes it. There is a small belt at the front of the drive. You will be able to see it when you open the tray. These stretch and dry out over time. The gears also pick up dust and get jammy. You may just simply need to clean and re grease the gears. White lithium grease is what the manufacturer uses. Attached are a couple of pictures that show this switch. The first picture shows that the small blue piece is the “nose” of this switch. The second picture is me simulating what happens when the drive tray is all the way out the white piece around this blue piece actually slides over when a peg on the bottom of they tray hits it. The photos also show the belt that may need attention.
If Devins advice does not work (which is great advice!) you can probably follow the manual and pull out the stack of drives. These I believe are standard CD-ROM drives and should be able to replace easily as a whole unit or parts
If Devins advice does not work (which is great advice!) you can probably follow the manual and pull out the stack of drives. These I believe are standard CD-ROM drives and should be able to replace easily as a whole unit or parts
The 6AD and 6D often still had legacy SCSI drives not IDE. The first IDE and all the scsi ones were restricted to specific manufactures and models When they went to DVD drives the adapter bridge that was plugged into the back of the drive made them play nice
Thank you for all of the information. The unit is like new and not ever been used regularly.The issue has shown up during periodic checks while in storage. I believe the DVD upgrade kit (best option) is NLA. I will have to see what I can find out.