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Help bringing a DTS XD10 to "current" software?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Michael Zarits View Post
    DVD-R and +R only matters for burning. Once they are burned all discs are the same regardless of +R or -R.
    Is the player immediately ejecting the disc when trying to read? Root dir contains DTS.EXE and DTS folder only?
    My root dir and DTS dir contaned a temp file that came with the archive, maybe that is the problem? Here are screenshots:

    It did not immediately eject, made what seemed like many attempts to read/seek with no status change from "Ready" on display.

    [Edit to say that Michael confirmed the soundtrack archive loaded for him, on to trying a different dvd authoring tool and checking console messages as it tries to read the discs, will also make one without the .LST files present]
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    Last edited by Ryan Gallagher; 06-15-2023, 03:35 PM.


    • #17
      Hey Ryan- I'm not an expert, and it's been a while since I've examined DTS disks, but my recollection
      is that there was only two "files' in the directory: 1) 'DTS.exe" and 2) A folder named "DTS" which
      contained all the actual "AUD" audio files. So, like you, I'm suspecting it might have something to
      do what that extra "LST" file.


      • #18
        I doubt the extra file could cause an issue.

        What SW did you use to burn the ISO? I've had issued in the past and used to use CDBurnerXP - simple and effective. It's not developed anymore but it works in Windows 10.

        If you pass me the files, I can test on my XD-10. You can upload on Wetransfer.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Marco Giustini View Post
          I doubt the extra file could cause an issue.

          What SW did you use to burn the ISO? I've had issued in the past and used to use CDBurnerXP - simple and effective. It's not developed anymore but it works in Windows 10.

          If you pass me the files, I can test on my XD-10. You can upload on Wetransfer.
          Thanks Marco. Michael already confirmed the archive loaded fine for him (probably via USB though).

          Where I got to today was an DVD-R ISO9660 created using CDBurnerXP, with the tmp.LST files removed. This one actually detected and appeared to start loading.

          However it got stuck in a "Ready" / "Loading" loop. I let it try for an hour and no content ever loaded.

          I tried both VGA monitors I have handy to monitor the console but both of them claimed "out of range" for the singal from the XD10's video port.

          I've got some CDRs on order to try that, maybe it just doesn't like these DVDRs. It will fit on a CDR if I ignore the THX.AUD file.



          • #20
            The Hackers DTS loaded fine on my XD10 burned onto a DVD in ISO9660 using Nero.


            • #21
              Just a shoot in the dark but did you try rebooting the XD10 with the monitor connected? It's interesting as I have a similar issue with my NAS, where monitors refuse to display the console - but they do display the POST process.

              Was the DVD drive doing something while the screen was stuck on LOADING? Was it trying to read or was it just idle?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Marco Giustini View Post
                Just a shoot in the dark but did you try rebooting the XD10 with the monitor connected? It's interesting as I have a similar issue with my NAS, where monitors refuse to display the console - but they do display the POST process.

                Was the DVD drive doing something while the screen was stuck on LOADING? Was it trying to read or was it just idle?
                Before I left today I did grab the VGA monitor from the Christie station and tried that, from a cold-boot. It did in fact show the redhat boot sequence but then went out of range when it loaded the X server, and the display prompted that 1024x768 was the recommended mode. Will have to play with that another day, but boot sequence was fine.

                DVD drive was in fact "active" while it was oscillating between "ready" and "loading disc...". And it wasn't consistent... between attempts with the same disc, I wouldn't always get it into that state either, sometimes it would just never leave "ready" and seek the disc a bunch.

                I'm leaning towards the readers not liking that particular media, or being slightly on the fritz to begin with. A CDR will be another test, but as I said, it reads factory DTS CDROMS just fine.



                • #23
                  What speed did you burn the disk at. With some DTS players I had found they had issues with burned disks that were not burned at a slow speed and also not finalised


                  • #24
                    If you call DTS, they will send you a factory disk. They sent me one not too long ago...


                    • #25
                      Actually discs for the XD10 do not need to be finalized and can even be multisession as long as they are in ISO 9660.
                      I've read about some early first gen DVD ROM drives having problems reading burned DVDs.

                      Ryan, pull out that old HDD and replace it with a modern HDD or SSD and also replace the old DVD drives. Then burn Brad's XD10 installer image to DVD, put it into the XD10 and cycle power.
                      You can use SATA to IDE adapters for the HDD and the DVD drives. I have Bluray drives installed and everything works fine.
                      If you want to keep the settings then create a settings backup onto a flash drive before removing the old HDD.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mark Gulbrandsen View Post
                        If you call DTS, they will send you a factory disk. They sent me one not too long ago...
                        Sounds like the simplest and easiest solution!


                        • #27
                          Thanks all,

                          After CDRs ISO9660 also failed to read yesterday, and what seems like less than consistent behavior getting even the studio DTS discs to read, I think we have two options:

                          1. Do what michael suggests and test/replace using alternate DVD-ROM drives. That seems like the only path to getting content to load before a software update. If that works we could try the burned iso upgrade discs at that point, or just continue loading content via DVD-R until then.

                          2. Get factory update discs from DTS, maybe they will read/load with current drives, consider installing to a blank HDD since everything feels very suspect with the oem DVD drives. Flakey DVD drives will become less of an issue if we can just get onto the versions that support the USB loading.

                          I'm leaning towards starting with option 1 and determine if our DVD drives are bunk first. Then do an update (either factory discs or burned), once we have known good DVD readers installed.

                          My discs were all burned at 8x or below, but I could try a 1x and make sure DAO is the session mode before giving up entirely on the drives.

                          [edit: LOL, CDBurnerXP lets you select 1x, but then reverts to 4x when writing anyway]
                          Last edited by Ryan Gallagher; 06-18-2023, 06:38 AM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Ryan Gallagher View Post
                            [edit: LOL, CDBurnerXP lets you select 1x, but then reverts to 4x when writing anyway]
                            If the disc supports 1x then it's because your burner is firmwared to 4x minimum writing speed.
                            Last edited by Michael Zarits; 06-18-2023, 07:11 AM.


                            • #29
                              That there may be 1X drives still out there blows my mind. They'd have to be 20+ years old. Better be sure you have the latest ROM installed if you are going to install new drives.


                              • #30
                                he's talking about modern drives which might or might not support writing as slow as 1X
                                XD10 doesn't have ROMs to install, that would be the 6D or 6

