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I'm wondering if anyone has archived an installer for Schneider Theatre Designer Pro 3.2 (which as far as I can tell was the final release). I've been using v2.2 from the FT warehouse for a bit, but would like to get a copy of 3.2 if anyone could direct me to a source for it - Schneider's website has long since changed, and Internet Archive was unable to capture it due to the form response required before you could download it.
I'm logged in and all, but am still getting an intercept message denying access. It appears as if that source link was copied out while using the "administrator" account, as opposed to a publicly-accessible page. Yes, we could search there and maybe find it, but if you have a moment to post a usable link, some might appreciate it ...
I get the same message as Paul. Here is the link to the file. Note, if you get the admin screen as Paul shows...you can still click on Warehouse and navigate down to the software section and find the program.
The warehouse coding was designed with the old archived forum. If logged into the archive forum it lets you straight in. You should also simply be able to click the "warehouse" button at the top of any screen to get there. I was just trying to make a direct link to that section.
I get the same message as Paul. Here is the link to the file. Note, if you get the admin screen as Paul shows...you can still click on Warehouse and navigate down to the software section and find the program.