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When did dual inventory (Mono/Dolby A Stereo) prints cease to be a thing.
I was inspecting some films today for an upcoming event. These sound track
markings are on the head & tail leaders of a vintage 1992 print of "Sister Act" .
(So, based on this and the simple "Dolby Stereo" logo in the end credit roll,
I guess I'm safe in assuming this print is not SR) SisterAct_1-R2.jpg
I was inspecting some films today for an upcoming event. These sound track
markings are on the head & tail leaders of a vintage 1992 print of "Sister Act" .
(So, based on this and the simple "Dolby Stereo" logo in the end credit roll,
I guess I'm safe in assuming this print is not SR)
Really nice print too- - never plattered. (That explains it! )
I've found those logos in the end credit roll to be pretty misleading. Dolby A prints were a pretty common up to the mid 90s, even though there might be a "Spectral recordinG" logo present in the credits, at least around here. I suspect a lot of houses only upgraded to "SR" when SRD came along...
Yes, there were just two releases in Vistasonic: Popeye as the debut of the format and it was also used for a 35mm release of Dragonslayer. But it was apparently envisioned to be used for Raiders too
What prompted me to chime in to this discussion was the fact no one had mentioned “Dragonslayer.” And now you’re acting as if you knew all along about “Dragonslayer” and the correct timeline. Sigh... And I call bullshit on the “Raiders” in Vistasonic claim. I think we deserve a better source than some anonymous internet posting.
What prompted me to chime in to this discussion was the fact no one had mentioned “Dragonslayer.” And now you’re acting as if you knew all along about “Dragonslayer” and the correct timeline. Sigh... And I call bullshit on the “Raiders” in Vistasonic claim. I think we deserve a better source than some anonymous internet posting.
Yes, I knew about it, because the information is out there... partly due to the information YOU posted on-line yourself... and hey, it's right in there, in that same anonymous post you're lamenting about. And yes, like I mentioned myself, the original source has long since gone, or at least I'm not able to find it. Still, the information in that very post is highly specific, which is at least a sign the poster knew a thing or two about the subject, which lends it some credibility in itself.
But if you can actually elaborate why you think it's b.s. and add a bit into the reconstruction of the history of this very particular sound system, then feel free to do so. But please, keep your personal attacks at bay, because... why?