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The booth I worked at the Telluride Film Fest this year would pick up static/buzz from our
digital walkie-talkies if we stood within several feet of the sound rack, but this was only a
problem when running 35mm. (Optical sound through a CP-65 which fed into a CP-750)
I'm sure it was a shielding issue, as the rack wasn't the neatest job I've encountered. The
festival folks have promised to look into it before next years shows. There were VFD drivers
on those projectors for running silent stuff, although this year we were only running 24fps, but
I was running an archival print of a 1940's movie, so I had programmed a 3sec ramp-up
time into the VFD's to protect the print, but we didn't have any noise from the VFD's.
(TB-Woods "E-Trac X2C" VFD's - almost every venue at Telluride has them. Never heard of
any RFI or noise problems in the 15 years I've worked there)
Yeah our new digital radios reak havock with the little PC speakers we have plugged into the 8ch mixer for monitoring intro mics and pre-show music. Thankfully have not heard anything in the house along those lines... but I'll make a point of getting a co-worker to key a radio near all 35/70mm stuff soon.
It's worth adding we had issues with vintage guitar amps onstage too, when radios were keyed 30-50ft away. We had our radio supplier come back out and turn down our handset transmit power. That helped a good deal, now you have to be standing near them to get the same effect.
For those saying "star-quad": do you mean microphone cable? (Canare L-4E6S, etc.) Or is there a different sort of cable with similar properties for mag heads?
That or its foil shield version. I've used both Canaire and Belden (1172A). And yeah, it's microphone cable (and very limp stuff too...with braided shield). The jacket is a little fatter.