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There are actually 3 belts. Inner, outer, and shutter. You will also need to know if they are square tooth, which are measured in inches, or round tooth which are measured in Millimeters. Both types of P-35's do exist. Myself and many other Techs that serviced Christie's, also converted them to round tooth. Christie sold a kit that was ridiculously inexpensive to do that with the three belts and all new pulleys. The round tooth projectors are awesome and the Dolby digital scanner can finally be utilized, and tracks at very low error rates. I've had the belts in those last more than 8 years in a first run plex. It gets to the point that you just change them to be safe even though they still look perfect. Square tooth belts need to be changed yearly, if they last that long. Badly worn pulley's can chew up the new square tooth belts pretty fast.
Anyway, just thought I better add this info so you get the correct parts.
dear John Eickhof
f I need both inner and outer timing belts.
And maybe you also have a perfect upper arm and lower arm If there is a P35GPS If possible a price offer.
Regarding shipping probably to Boston America
All the best, Film-Tech Forums