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Reason why I am asking is that the official DCP that was provided by the german distributor is in F-178, including the Lionsgate Logo.
Which irritated me quite a bit... If the US DCP is 1.85 it almost looks like they used a 1.78 homevideo master for the german DCP.
I haven't tested the file but I'm pretty sure it's 1.85. That's the movie's aspect ratio. Usually when it's one of the smaller flats it's in the file code and it isn't here.
I haven't tested the file but I'm pretty sure it's 1.85. That's the movie's aspect ratio. Usually when it's one of the smaller flats it's in the file code and it isn't here.
I should probably start recording the CPL hashes in my spreadsheets, then i'd know if my old info was for sure the same. ;-)