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Scope 2.40 is curious on a 35mm print. Does it exhibit slight letter boxing? I think we showed the DCP of that last season. IMDb technical says 2.39 too. I would have assumed 2.35 on a print that was shot on film and no digital intermediate.
Hmm, I take that back, we showed the 35mm too. And I also wrote down 2.39, but I can't remember if we were seeing a matte line with our apperture plates or not.
I've removed "2.40" from my description and just left Scope. There are lots of discussions, especially on the old forum, about the specifics of different formats and their ratios/dimensions. I'm fine with just Scope.
I've removed "2.40" from my description and just left Scope. There are lots of discussions, especially on the old forum, about the specifics of different formats and their ratios/dimensions. I'm fine with just Scope.
I have also added a picture from the print I ran.
No worries, I just refreshed my memory of why the difference. I show enough classics here that 2.35 is stuck in my brain... though not typically showing vintage pre 1971 prints.