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Bullet Train (2022)

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  • Bullet Train (2022)

    This one actually took me by surprise. I wasn't entirely interested in it based on some of the early previews I had viewed and it didn't seem like it was marketed very much at all.

    I found myself thoroughly enjoying it. The film feels like a mess in the first half but when the second half starts, everything begins to click together and it all makes sense. Plenty of laughs combined with great action scenes.

    It felt rather original and new which is why I'm a little disappointed it did so poorly here. If you play it, expect a few walk outs. Some won't stay based on how confusing the start can be. (The film really wants you to be confused in the first half). And the older crowd might leave due to the Tarantino style over the top violence. I will say some of the accents made dialogue a little muddy to understand, other reviews I've read did mention that as well. I appreciated the mix of tracks used in this and loved the overall style of the film. You could sense the Kill Bill inspiration.

    Did anyone else appreciate the water bottle?

  • #2
    We enjoyed the 'Bullet Train' a few weeks ago at the Cinelux Scotts Valley Cinema near Santa Cruz CA. They have great semi large curved screens here in most auditoriums.

    The movie had so much action, the whole film mostly was shot on the fast moving train. We liked all the crazy killers on the modern fast train

    Really liked the stereo sound used and great surround music throughout the BT feature along with the titles. QT must have loved the movie. The best soundtrack scene for many of us was the background Mexican western disco music played at the wedding die off.

    Brad Pitt has really aged and It shows in this new movie for him. Probably so much drama going on for years with his ex wife AJ. Thy should have brought her along on the cast of mean assassins and let them battle It out with no rehearsal on the train cars. This would have brought in the movie crowd. No fake blood needed.

    I have seen Bullet Train twice, I always do this on new movies that I like. You get so much more information the second time around. Yes the movie has many F words and violence but It does have some funny segments and the best fast editing of any film out this year. The Green screen got a workout on BT.

    We try to go with our movie group on $5 Tuesdays in Scotts Valley and there are two old ladies that also go every Tues. These old bags gab the minute they come in and thru the trailers. I always have to get up and tell them both to shut-up, you are not at home please. After the movie got out and I was staying till the end credits to see what Mexican Disco music that was used during the wedding segment, the two old bats came out into the lobby. I asked them how they liked the 'Bullet Train' movie. They both looked horrified and told me It was the worst movie they have ever seen! If they didn't like It I wonder why they didn't walk out. I think It was the dirty words and too much killing on the fancy Japanese express train. Maybe they thought It would be like 'Murder On The Orient Express' or ' The Silver Streak'.

    Will get the Blu Ray when It comes out with extra footage to show to some friends that missed It on the big screen. Have fun go check It out If you can still find It but It won't be on the largest auditorium screen by now.

