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The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on the Run

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  • The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on the Run

    Colourful, fast-moving, simple story line... This is a little kids movie. So why do they a substantial portion of the movie having a debate over executing Spongebob and his friend. Execution. With a masked executioner there swinging an axe. That's pretty heavy for a kids movie.

    Most of the music is pretty good, except for the (c)rap music that seems to get into everything these days. They have a dance number with the pirate zombies (again, that's a bit heavy for a little kids movie) that would have been pretty good if they had music for it that wasn't rap.

    Oh well, what do I know. This is the first new kids movie in quite a while so hopefully there's going to be some amount of audience for it.