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I handle a lot of different films from a lot of different sources, and like many of you who
do the same, I have received films in a lot of different packages, including burlap sacks
and a 12 reel double feature packed into a footlocker. So I wasn't all that surprised when
I received a film last week in a U-Haul moving box:
Well, this is a new one- - - a perfectly good, practically new ICC shipping case that was
shrink wrapped and then shipped INSIDE of a well padded box. Seems like a bit of overkill to me. CanInBox.jpg
I've met some "new" projection-people who don't know how to properly tape down
reel-ends, or who don't know what 'reel-bands' are, or how to use them. . but I've
never met one who didn't understand the concept of a SHIPPING case. . . .
(so, should I ship it back to them in this box, or just use the ICC case as God intended?
Heh. I recently got a hard drive in a pelican shipping case inside a box with a similar amount of padding as yours.
Send it back the way you got it. If it is a print from a private collector they can be very protective of their babies.
A friend sent me this photo- FudgeSign.jpg I looked online and this place actually exists! It's one of those tourist trap rest stop type of
places along old US Route 66 in rural Missouri. Their equally amusing and cringe-worthy
slogan is: "What happens in Uranus, stays in Uranus"
Is there another extra-full moon this week? Or has the earth shifted on its' axis?
I seem to have encountered several unusual oddities in the booth this week:
> NETFLIX, the company that recently announced they will no longer
ship out blu-ray & dvd disks, has started sending me stuff on 35mm. NetFlixCan.jpg
(not that that's a bad thing . . )
When did this happen? Does this mean that future 35mm prints
from MGM will arrive in one of those Amazon delivery vans?
This year's DCP of ELF arrived from WB with a 3½ min tribute 'clip reel' before the
feature commemorating WB's 100th anniversary. But in THE VERY FIRST CLIP, we see
Judy Garland, superimposed over the famous trademark water tower on the WB
studio lot, reciting the line "there's no place like home" from The Wizard Of Oz.
- - but wait a minute. . . W-O-Z was an MGM picture. WTF does that have to do with WB? WB_Judy.jpg
It's little things like this that keep me awake some nights. . . ,.