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I have a belief that "sooner or later everything shows up on e-bay". I spotted this item this
morning. I wonder if some Bozo will buy it, not realizing it's useless without a key. EBayDCP.png
Now that Deluxe are offering their e-delivery boxes to pretty much anybody who asks for one, and for free, I shudder to think how many CRU cartridges with drives in them are being piled into landfills.
Image in the confirmation email I received after booking a plane ticket.
At the risk of getting political, this strikes me as a serious misfire of woke messaging. The takeaway I'm getting from it is "Black people - you too can become airline pilots, but only if you're willing to cut all your hair off and go bald like me..."
Maybe I'm living in a different world, but I think you're reading far too much into that.
I don't know if that's a real photograph or something that was staged, but either way it's just a throw-away piece of semi-clipart that happens to say Delta on it (I guess).
I think you're reaching. Yeah, the people in the photo are Black but not "too Black." It's clear that the photo is staged but I don't think there is any hidden message beyond that.
About two decades ago, when the movie came out, I remember a news story reporting that United 93 was played as the in-flight movie on a British Airways plane. More recently, I have seen both Airport and The Hindenburg on offer in the "cheesy oldies" section in the IFE systems on Delta or Virgin flights. They'll be putting entire seasons of Air Disaster Investigation on there next...