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The player side screen saver can indeed be disabled. However, that does not disable disc/authoring screen savers that may catch the pause condition. As said, however this is only a regular issue with Universal BDs, or at least those being offered in Europe.
Whatever - showing non-DCP content always needs a bit more attention and/or staff education.
'lost the ability' means? Looks as if the 'Oppo Media Control for BDP-10x' is still listed in the app store. Which doesn't necessarily mean that you can install or use it on any given iPhone.
Twice within the past year, my iphone app for the Oppo player has crashed (automatically closed) when using it. It was crashing last month but a few weeks later miraculously started working again. There are lots of things you can only do with that app, including changing audio tracks and subtitles with no player display onscreen.
Someone does need to come up with a way to disable any graphic overlays on Blu-Ray and 4K discs- Sony has been putting a very pointless pop-up menu for a few seconds at the start of end credits, example here:
I have stopped buying Sony titles entirely because of that. I sent a printed letter to all of their top people last year, but I've heard that they are still doing it.
Oppo's allow disabling the on screen crap. But you'll have to look for a clean used one as they are no longer made. I believe there may be a couple other semi-industrial players that also allow that. Steve Guttag may know....
Are you able to remove all menus of a Denon DN-500BD MK2? I have some of them and the only thing that disappears using the OSD OFF button is part of the main menu
On the Denon, everything goes but if the disc itself has its own menu...that would not be stoppable since it is coming from the media though it would be nice is the player could just put up a freeze frame and ignore the disc's video until play resumes.
There was a firmware update for Denon or Tascam that corrected a Play Icon that didn't go away when it should but that is all that I recall. Denon is also a bit more difficult to get info on their firmware and release notes. Tascam has them readily available.