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WTF? Since I deal mostly with private screenings, I don't usually get to run, or see, trailers.
That being said, one of the commercial theaters I have some connection with recently pulled
an 'offensive'' trailer off the head of "Marcel The Shell" - - and also recently began issuing
instructions for projection-techs to build two trailer playlists- - one for the afternoon/evening
shows, and another one for the after 6pm "evening crowd", I've also been doing some work
for ALAMO, and all trailer placement decisions for their theaters nationwide are made by their
head office in Texas. There have been a couple of instances where the trailer line-ups for
'kid friendly' films have been changed after complaints from people in some city somewhere.
A trailer that is perfectly acceptable here in San Francisco, for example, folks in some other
parts of the country might find offensive. As my dad used to say "ya' can't please everybody"