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Here is a fire waiting to happen! If this thing is actually water proof as it says then I have to wonder how many people will remember to unzip the zipper on this cover before they use their tower computer? IMHO few would remember and they'd be dialing 911 for the fire trucks about an hour after powering the thing up...
With waterproof they probably want to indicate you can now freely spill a cup of coffee over it, given it's not too hot to melt the synthetic material, not that you can take it out for a swim. :P
Obviously nobody paid for any official IP-certification, so it's now "waterproof"... Amazon feels more like Ali-Express every passing day, it seems...
Most PCs will start misbehaving long before physical issues occur due to heat.
I had a tower MacPro that started experiencing a regular kernel panic in the graphics driver; when investigating it it turns out it was because the fan on the graphics card had died and the graphics card was overheating and misbehaving.
Most Intel CPU will shut down at around 105c, give or take, to save itself... Not sure about AMD. Fans fail all the time. I've seen Tiny desktops reach 80+ regularly when running 4K video, and it doesn't even phase them.