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I was waiting through the credits on the new Shazam last night and noticed a new occupation on there, along with the best boy and catering information:
I'm a little surprised you haven't noticed this before Frank, since usually very little gets past your observant
eyes- but I've seen this credit in numerous films since I went bak to work after the Coronapacoplyse.
Also on a number of TV shows. I even seen one or two flicks which had a "Covid Tester" in the credits,
since I guess they were testing everybody on the set when they showed up on set for work every day.
that's the person who makes sure the masks get washed between takes an the viewfinders and keyboards get sanitized! And there's plenty of hand sanitizer in stock! probably the 'IATSE&CT' that's the International Alliance of Theatrical Stooge Employees and Covid Testers' ! Look for the familiar round covid cell emblem!
John, Masks, especially N-1, never get washed. They are throw away... Before I had my transplant, part of the class includes proper mask use, how long they can be used, and proper disposal among other things. Correct on any stuff that gets touched though...