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Comscore national numbers

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  • Comscore national numbers

    So, I openly report on Comscore. I love pouring over the data. I recall a few years ago that you would be able to see numbers nationally. Now it's strictly down to your branch. I've always wondered why that is?

    If my booker can see them, why are we locked out?

    Always thought it interesting that I cannot see anything in the upper peninsula as I'm in the Detroit branch and they're Minneapolis. Even though we're in the same state!

  • #2
    It's been hit and miss here. For a while we could see everything in Montana. Now it's just our surrounding area. There was a way I came up with to see data from full circuits as opposed to individual locations, but I haven't been able to make that happen lately.

    By the way, internet spelling police here: It's "poring" over data, not pouring. We'll overlook it this time.


    • #3
      I'm pretty sure your booker pays to see the national numbers. It's not like Comscore is doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. For we lower level dwellers, we're allowed to see our territory, however that's defined. I can see Atlanta and Nashville, but not Mobile, which is in AL, or any of Florida, which is closer than Atlanta. The territories seem to be based on the majors old booking territories, which are now somewhat outdated.


      • #4
        I'd pay.

        But access used to be national, now it's shrunk down. Just wondered why.


        • #5
 careful, they may be looking at your willingness to pay extra! They very well could be testing the market to see if there is enough demand for that data so they can offer an expanded national data service for an additional fee.


          • #6
            I suppose for a nominal fee I honestly wouldn't mind. The data is already getting placed there anyways and the distribs pay for the service. I don't have any issue with throwing a few dollars to contribute and have the same access. I just like glossing over the data and doing comparisons to my own location. Would be nice to get a snapshot of how single screens are faring as a whole and what locations are reporting vs. their population base.


            • #7
              Would be nice to get a snapshot of how single screens are faring as a whole
              There's a question I would like to see answered.... how many single screens there are. And how many twins.


              • #8
                Sometimes I feel like they don't want us to know that.

                Wouldn't want the small indies to know just how much they may actually contribute.


                • #9
                  I think it depends on the search parameters you are putting in. I can see any theatre in the U.S. with my log in.


                  • #10
                    Anytime a search is done outside of my branch all it says is "no data available".


                    • #11
                      I can see any theatre in the U.S. with my log in.
                      Just to be clear, you can see the grosses? I can get the theatre details anywhere, but the grosses are only in my designated area.

