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Let's open this thread so players of the Password Game http://www.film-tech.com/vbb/forum/f...before-playing can discuss clues and other things. Also post suggestions for other games we could possibly play in a forum format. (Great idea, Marcel!)
Don't we need some simple rules how many times you can guess in a row for any given "password"?
Also, I propose: Using any form of AI is considered cheating and will reserve you a special place in Cinema California, a room in a dilapidated AMC complex you can't escape from, where the flat, badly converged and badly focussed picture is framed as scope, pillar boxed on an unmasked screen, the room lights won't ever dimm and the latest Adam Sandler movie runs on an endless loop.
I want to know how the Lightning Round is going to work.
I was a big Password fan as a kid, via my grandma, who never missed the show. (I think she may have had a crush on the host, Allen Ludden.) It's still fun to watch old episodes of it.
Marcel: Anyone can make multiple guesses. And yes, AI is cheating.
Mike: It would be almost impossible to do a clean Lightning Round in a forum context, only an online interactive would work for that. I agree, I loved Password, and Super Password was even funnier with Bert Convey frequently giving away the passwords, clues and Puzzle solutions.
It's almost like a real game show: Lots of people watching just a few people playing... I guess I start to realize the business model behind YouTube, Twitch, TickTock and WhatNot.
I found my AC/DC one to be a strong one though... It checked all the boxes, didn't it?