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cartoons being restored to 1080 HD after 80 years

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  • cartoons being restored to 1080 HD after 80 years

    This guy is apparently doing digital restoration of a whole lot of public domain cartoons.

    I'm Jim Ames of Cartoon Renewal Studios - we're restoring ALL the classic cartoons to brilliant 1080 HD so they can be enjoyed forever -
    Apparently he's using cartoons listed here:

  • #2
    Thanks Frank for the cartoon information. It's unfortunate that most older cartoons were made in mono sound and not stereo. They may look 1080 nice but the sound will still be single ch. There must be a list that has cartoons mixed in stereophonic sound. I think some of the early CinemascopeĀ® cartoons may have a 35mm 4 ch mag stereo print made. I know that Disney made some of his feature animated films in stereo sound but for the most part short cartoons were made in mono mostly and 1.33 /1.85.


    • #3
      From the one or two clips I've had time to watch, I at least give the guy credit for making an effort to maintain the correct aspect ratio. So many times people post older films on You-TubeĀ® or elsewhere claiming that they've been "remastered" or "restored" and often all they've done is either: 1) s-t-r-e-t-c-h a 4x3 image to 16x9, thus making it annoyingly distorted, or, 2) They zoom-in & crop the 4x3 image to 16x9, sacrificing image at the top & bottom of the screen. Some people even somehow manage to commit both cinematic sins in the same upload. I started to watch one such old movie on U-T over the weekend, which claimed it was "restored" and "HD", and end result was so unwatchable to me that I didn't make it much past the opening credits before I dumped it & watched something else.
      Last edited by Jim Cassedy; 02-08-2021, 11:31 AM.

