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I don't know how creative you are, but why not create your own policy trailers with one of the many movie making tools out there and convert it to DCP via DCP-o-Matic?
I don't know how creative you are, but why not create your own policy trailers with one of the many movie making tools out there and convert it to DCP via DCP-o-Matic?
There comes a point where it is just easier and less time consuming to pay for things
That sounds like a complicated way of saying I'm too lazy. :P
But yeah, there is nobody in your community with some whizz-bang Premiere and/or AfterFX skills who can put a few flashy looking trailers together for their local art house? Only this time, remember to make backups.
Maybe somebody, here, could whip something up for you.
I have the software and know-how but I don’t know whether my style would be something you like. I could try. If you like it, okay. If you don’t, nothing lost.
I’m sure there are others who could do the same.
Send me a note once you've found the normal part.
I've actually ran this little short once during a "Fright Night" marathon. Seeing the audience react to it is priceless.
Tarantino's Grind House (2007) Blu-Ray release contains a few of those generic trailers in purposefully dodgy quality, but at least it's in FullHD and lacks the usual blur and MPEG artifacts you'd otherwise find on those trailers on YouTube. As for the "Follow the Sun" horror-short, you can get that in FullHD format from the makers: MK12.
I had a great time putting together policy trailers for our theater. Gave me an excuse to use all my fancy toys for something productive, for once...
While something DIY will never be as polished as something from, say, Dolby, people really like seeing something made specifically for the theater they're in.