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As a software developer who has a point-of-sale system for movie theaters I just know I am going to be called upon once again to integrate with them and there will be no benefit, financial or otherwise from doing so other than pleasing my theater owners in the next short term that they stay in business. One of the key takeaways from the keynote is that "anyone" can be a MoviePass owner. They want individuals to invest in MoviePass a scheme that sounds a lot like they are selling securities. At any rate, it's apparent that raising a bunch of VC isn't in the cards for MoviePass this time around. They seem to be aware of this. They also believe they can sell a lot of data back to the studios. Taking cues from social media, the MoviePass customer is to actually be the product. In the end, the MoviePass customer is going to be pissed at the theater when anything with MoviePass, its technology or funding or whatever goes wrong. If AMC, Regal, Cinemark, et al summarily reject redemption of these in favor of their own programs, MoviePass 2.0 is DOA. Really, what is the upside?