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What's the latest theatre to close or open you have heard about?
Galaxy Cinemas Brockville, (Ontario-Canada) located at the Thousand Islands Mall, will close its doors on July 7 - 2024, Cineplex Inc. confirmed. The six-screen theatre opened in July 2006 after years of anticipation. Its grand opening on July 28, 2006 ended a four-year wait for a first-run movie theatre in the city, which had been without a theatre since the Parkedale Cinemas closed in January 2002.
1,093-seats / 6 screen
Once the theatre closes, the nearest will be in Kingston or Ottawa. (not correct there is a single cinema & drive-in@ 1000 ISLANDS)
Tracking the closings is depressing work. Even though I listed above the openings since March, I stopped at just the April and May closings. It's difficult to read the messages from people bemoaning the closing of a favorite theater, and there are trends on the reasons given by the owners. I'd go back into our records to see how many less theaters we have than we did just two years ago, but that would be disheartening. We've lost more than we've gained, to be sure.
The Metropolitan Redstone 8 Cinemas in Park City, Utah has closed, but is being taken over by Larry H. Miller Megaplex Theatres, which plans to upgrade the the theater and reopen by the holidays
Quoting Scotty Wright- "All Five Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Locations In Dallas-Fort Worth Close "
--> Alamo also announced today their Woodbury MN location would be closing also.
Probably not related but it was exactly a year ago this week Alamo fired most of the projection staff members at many of
their locations, especially if they were in the union (IATSE) or seeking to unionize. I know know what you're thinking--
-- that this sort of thing is illegal- - - but there are all sorts of sneaky legal loopholes corporations use all the time to get
around this. I've worked for several large corporations in my so called career, and have seen this many times. It's my
understanding that complaints were filed with the NLRB, but those can take years to wind their way through the courts,
and in the meantime those affected wind up laid off in unemployment limbo, like several people I know who got canned.
Quoting Scotty Wright- "All Five Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Locations In Dallas-Fort Worth Close "
--> Alamo also announced today their Woodbury MN location would be closing also.
Probably not related but it was exactly a year ago this week Alamo fired most of the projection staff members at many of
their locations, especially if they were in the union (IATSE) or seeking to unionize. I know know what you're thinking--
-- that this sort of thing is illegal- - - but there are all sorts of sneaky legal loopholes corporations use all the time to get
around this. I've worked for several large corporations in my so called career, and have seen this many times. It's my
understanding that complaints were filed with the NLRB, but those can take years to wind their way through the courts,
and in the meantime those affected wind up laid off in unemployment limbo, like several people I know who got canned.
I will have to say that sort of the opposite happened to me when I was in Local 110 and working as the day time operator at The Logan Theater.. In my case both General Cinema's and Cineplex's contracts expired at midnight on the same day. They refused to sign new contracts with the Local, and I had gotten wind of what was going to happen a few weeks before it did... Hence it pretty much eliminated about 400 some members overnight, some of them very long time members, service tech's, etc. Since I was a fairly new member of about a year, I knew I'd be one of those let go. So instead I left the union and went on my own. Today Local 110 still exists as a fraction of what the Union once was, but now they mainly cover shows and special events. When I was working on movies I still paid my IA dues and fees as though I was a member, even though I was not a member of any particular Union.
Below is a link to an interesting article about Local 110...
159 days into the year 2024. I don't have the exact numbers, but I had been keeping track and lost count at 100, - but I'm fairly certain that at least 150 movie theatres have closed in the United States so far this year. Possibly more? Maybe even as many days as there are in the year so far.
159 days into the year 2024. I don't have the exact numbers, but I had been keeping track and lost count at 100, - but I'm fairly certain that at least 150 movie theatres have closed in the United States so far this year. Possibly more? Maybe even as many days as there are in the year so far.
There's gonna be a glut of used gear auctioned off from the bankrupt locations... hopefully some laser projectors in the mix. I remember the auction of equipment at the theaters next to the Cinerama Dome when all that shut down, it was a lot of stuff. Mostly Series 1 projectors though...
Jim, Go figure... An interesting announcement tonight on Linkedin from MIT is they were awarded a multi million dollar contract from Alamo to equip a new Alamo Draft House in Indianoplis... So is Alamo actually hurting? Or just closing under performing sites?