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I remember one time when I was sixteen and had just gotten my driver's license. It was on a Saturday night when the ice machine in the bar broke down and my father handed me a bunch of money and the keys to his pickup and told me to go out to every convenience store in town to buy as much ice as I could get.
I don't know... If I was captain of that ship, I think I'd be considering whether I should pull some money out of petty cash and send somebody out to the grocery store to buy a shipload of butter!
Does any theater still provide real butter for popcorn? I suspect the sign should have read, "We are out of butter-flavored topping". Regardless, it is indeed time to run to the local grocery store.
"Due to supply chain issues, we are now serving REAL BUTTER!"
The only thing that concerns me is whether a theater like that has a way to melt all that butter down and skim it off and whether there is an employee capable of doing it without burning the place down.
"Due to supply chain issues, we are now serving REAL BUTTER!"
The only thing that concerns me is whether a theater like that has a way to melt all that butter down and skim it off and whether there is an employee capable of doing it without burning the place down.
I remember about a decade ago when they ran out of their "gourmet" ice cream, you could see that they had instead been using the absolute cheapest store brand ice cream available instead (it wasn't even Bryer's or something, it was Kroger.)