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Does anyone remember a Detective / Police drama from the early 70's where the main praotagonist worked out of a large 1 room police station in LA or New York? Said police station was dimly lit, grungy, filthy and had nasty looking green wainscoting on the walls?
The first thing that came to mind formTV shows with the terms “police,” “New York,” “single room” and “grubby” was Barney Miller. I didn’t think you were talking about a sitcom but it was all I could think of.
If it was Dan August, you might remember because Burt Reynolds was the star of that show.
As you say, that show only ran for one season. I barely remember it. I do kinda-sorta remember a TV show with Burt Reynolds playing a cop but it’s pretty fuzzy. I would have only been five or six years old at the time it ran.
HSB was early '80s and went 7, hard fought, seasons. I didn't have the green walls either and was multi-room (line up, officies...etc.) HSB also never did state what city it was in and definitely not NYC/LA. Chicago would be by guess is the target city based on the weather depicted and the "EL" mass transit.
This show was from the early to mid 70's. This detective would stop in at the station only to pick up assignments and report into his direct superior. Otherwise he was out on the road ibvestigating.
Baretta? That was '70s...he was always on the streets...he had a bird, the show had a cool song and a catch phrase "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
Not a technically a police detective show, but the thoughts of a 70's TV show that was grungy and dimly lit brought up Kolchak: The Night Stalker. I remember a couple episodes of that scaring the shit out of me when I was a kid.
The Rookies and SWAT were a couple other popular police shows in the 1970's. SWAT obviously is most remembered for its theme music.