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We've been members for quite a few years. They do focus more heavily on palaces with budgets in the millions, but still helpful and informative for those of us in the lower levels of the theatre business. Not particularly motion picture oriented, that's sorta why the Art House Convergence was started.
I'd say if you are just getting started in owning or running an historic theatre, definitely go to a convention or two. Lots of industry people, and people who have been dealing with old buildings for decades. If you're a non profit, they always have seminars on fundraising and best practices.
They usually have pretty good theatre tours at the conventions, which may be worth the price of admission for some people/
Don't know to much about them. Most of my movie friends belong to the 'Theatre Historical Society' out of PA, They have not been active in the last few years but are starting up again. THS covers all theatres, big art deco palaces, small neighborhood ones and drive ins. We are waiting for a new issue of the THS Marquee Magazine coming out soon.
Conclave THS tours by bus will be back in 2025 going to Boston MA.
So much fun going into closed and open movie theatres and taking photos/videos. Some still have pipe organs that they play. Some are in very bad shape but others have been restored and showing movies again.
Many years ago our 3 bus group hit a large old downtown closed up movie palace and the pigeons had taken over the projection booth. The worst is when water leaks year after year from the roof and all the old seats are filled with white mold growing. Some places we need to put on masks and bring flashlights. A sad tour of once classic movie theatres.
I don't think 'The League' would venture into some of the cinemas THS visits.