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We just got some sad news our booker is ill , and his wife suggested we find a new booker .
We are in a small town in Oklahoma with 2 screens ,any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
If your relationship with your current booker is good, can you ask them for suggestions?
When my dentist retired he gave me the name of the dentist he was turning his clients over to and asked me if it was okay to forward my records. I said okay because the guy was being professional about it. I have been satisfied with my new dentist.
If you believe that your booker is being honest and is behaving professionally you might be able to do a similar thing.
Being in the film booking business, they ought to know others who would be a good fit for you.
Annette Ashurst booked for me for 14 years when I had my theatres. She is out of Fayetteville, GA. She was pure joy to work with. (770) 461-9851. She is in Fayetteville, GA.
Clark Film Buying, in Bozeman MT is our booker. They do a fine job. www.clarkfilmbuying.com has their phone number. I am not sure if they have any clients in OK but it doesn't really matter these days anyway since everything comes from the same depot or via satellite.
I used to use a guy named "Two Toes Tony".
He got that nickname after loosing 3 toes on one foot during a knife fight.
He was really good, although he walked a little gimpy.
I used to use a guy named "Two Toes Tony".
He got that nickname after loosing 3 toes on one foot during a knife fight.
He was really good, although he walked a little gimpy.
Now I'm really interested in the story of how someone loses two toes in a knife fight...
Annette Ashurst booked for me for 14 years when I had my theatres. She is out of Fayetteville, GA. She was pure joy to work with. (770) 461-9851. She is in Fayetteville, GA.
I second the suggestion of Annette. She booked our theares for the 10 years we had them. She is a pleasure to work with.