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Hey gang, quick question, was doing some reading and saw that Christie recommends changing the battery on the PIB board every 5 years. Is this true? Or is Christie trying to milk me for extra dough?
As I recall, the battery is non-special either. Something like a CR-2032 (not necessarily that one so check...i don't have a list in front of me) but it is just an obtainable coin battery. Remember that Christie stores information in the PIB, TPC and Environmental boards so if you change the battery, and you lose settings, they should be recoverable. I also recommend making a full backup first.
Yes: Christie uses a CR2032 for PIB, a BR2032 for TPC and a BR2330 for ICP. I would suggest to change them every 5 years as stated in the manual (all 3 batteries are very cheap) and to mark the swap date (even if Christie didn't do this ).
If you don't change TPC battery, for example, your TPC will start to not boot at first try...