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Doremi DCP-2K4 as FTP server

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  • Doremi DCP-2K4 as FTP server

    Can you set up the standard DCP-2K4 as an ingest FTP server for the IMS3000?
    Our new projector will be installed in a small chamber above the old booth.
    That would make the work easier.
    In addition, I always try not to throw away everything right away.

  • #2
    Yes, you should be able to. With Doremi, it is all about the user level as to what directory its FTP login points you to. So, on the GDC, in their Content section (from SMS, go to Control Panel, then Content)...and on the Source tab, add a new source which is the Doremi server with the Doremi's Media IP address and use its "manager" level user/pw. The GDC should be able to see the content. I have not, personally, tried this but that is how I would start to go about it. I have definitely had Doremi servers transfer content amongst themselves in this manner (without a TMS). I've had Dolby DSS and IMS servers transfer content between them this way.

    If you want to get content from the GDC server to the Doremi...point the Doremi at the GDC's media IP and use the "content" user (and pw).

    And, if it is just a single screen or just 2 servers...CineDigital will probably issue you a free license for their TMS.


    • #3
      Thanks for the info Steve, but we will get a Dolby IMS3000.


      • #4
        IMS3000 is a Doremi server (even if Dolby acquired Doremi), you will be able to move content from the older server to the new one


        • #5
          Sorry...for some reason, I saw "3000" and immediately, thought GDC's SX-3000.

          For Doremi to Doremi (which includes all of the IMS servers), You can transfer not only the content but the SPLs as well (the SPL part is a configuration item to include them). Again, you set up in Ingest Manager the IP of the Media port of the "other" server and use the manager login/pw and you should see it load what the "other" server has with human readable names (not just UUIDs).


          • #6
            Easily done. You need to log into the DCP-2K4 as manager (forum rules prevent me from posting the default password, but Dolby will give it to you if you need to ask), and then go to the assets folder. The DCPs are in there, in folders named with the CPL UUIDs. Here they are in Filezilla:


            This screenshot is from a connection to an IMS3000, but it's the same for a DCP-2K4.

            In the IMS3000, set up this location in the Content Feed Manager, like this:


            For the remote path, enter "/assets". Don't forget to press save after filling out this page and testing.

            Then, when you go to ingest, your DCP-2K4 should appear as an option on the sources pulldown.


            • #7
              Note that tick box, that is unticked for "Show Playlist". That is how you can also transfer SPLs too.


              • #8
                Assuming you have one screen and no media network (no offence) you need to set one up in the IMS3000. You already have a management network with a jumper to the projector, set up the other server port with some arbitrary address. It can be on the existing management network just not conflicting with any other device there and you just connect that port and the SV to the management switch... generally advised to use a different network entirely, for a single all you need is a cable from the IMS to wherever you put the SV and address each on a private address segment different from management. Then add the SV as a source (see above). For using the SV as an ingest server using its CRU, being on the management network is not such a problem - the worry is that transfer traffic may saturate the network and some automation cues could be lost. You probably won't transfer during shows and Doremi throttles ingest speed when in playback anyway.

                A USB3 CRU docker is pretty cheap and probably as fast as the SV's onboard CRU. And it uses a lot less power.


                • #9
                  If there isn't a media LAN, you could create one for this purpose simply by running a patch cord from one of the unused NICs on the DCP-2K4 straight into one of the unused NICs on the IMS3000, and giving them addresses in the same subnet (e.g. and I don't think you'd even need to mess around getting your hands on a crossover cable - those NICs should be recent and clever enough to handle device to device using a patch cable. The transfer should be blazing fast, too.


                  • #10
                    Since we're completely rewiring the new cabin, this shouldn't be a problem.
                    We will probably install the new projector in July.
                    Many thanks, I will report then.

