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Hmm...I would try to get a copy of gdisk from the relevant repository. parted is another possible option, but I don't know if Doremi has that. I have not used sgdisk. My preference would be for gdisk, since it works just like fdisk. Is there a reason why you want a large partition using GPT? Most D-cinema servers will not properly support that.
This is solely for a local backup on the same Doremi. Parted isn't there. As far as I know, sgdisk has the same functionality as gdisk. As a matter of fact, it seems gdisk is calling sgdisk. However, I couldn't find usable instructions on how to use sgdisk.
From what I read, the package is available from Rod Smith.
He gives a lot of details about a lot here: https://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/
He also has a Hybrid MBR guide that calls for the gptsync tool though.
A NAS would have made things a lot simpler (and expensive, admittedly).
Well, don't know why, but, DCP export through the Doremi GUI was already slow in the past. Wether the reason is new bandwidth limits to secure HFR playout during export with the most recent software updates, or the fact that this Doremi now has a 4drive/4TB RAID, but, GUI export essentially has come to a halt now. Even the terminal cp to a CRU drive has slowed down considerably. So, I guess I need to try FTP next time and hope that this performs better. When I converted this unit to 4*4TB a few months ago, I could backup the full 3.5TB content to a local 4TB disc during night time using cp * from the terminal. That was roughly 100MByte/s.
Now, it took multiple hours for a single feature using the same method.
- Carsten
Last edited by Carsten Kurz; 02-19-2020, 07:31 AM.