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Dual Screen DCP playback.. is it possible ?

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  • #31
    I have two sites where we have provided for using LC/RC for Left/Right on Flat or "narrow" movies. At the Uptown in DC, we used LC/RC for Left/Right on 1.85 movies. The screen was large enough and the curve was deep enough that one would be very aware of Left/Right were nowhere near the edge of the 1.85 image. Plus, we would stop the curtain once it got past the masking for 1.85 so not to have the huge black area on left/right.

    Most theatres today, particularly with a constant width, would not benefit from the speaker interchange. It would be easy enough to do on our Dolby Atmos rooms since they have 5-screen channels but again, none of those theatres would really benefit from it.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Martin McCaffery View Post
      Just curious, is this a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE!!! or just some indie thing?
      I've had a few studio rentals over the years, at least one brought in all of their own sound equipment (this was in the days before we had stereo). If they want you to do something that requires renting a bunch of equipment because they want to do something you are unequipped to to in your Drive-In, shouldn't they be footing the bill for the equipment THEY are using? Also, paying for its design and setup.
      This is definitely a MAJOR motion picture. Its about as MAJOR as you can get. We shot them a price with the cost of the live PA included in the 4 wall rental. Have yet to hear back if they'll accept it or not. If they do, that's great. If they don't, that's fine too. Sometimes you just want to play movies and go home at a normal time.


      • #33
        Get your money up front!


        • #34
          Barry, the easiest way I can think of is if you can borrow a Dolby DSS200 server, set it to 3D mode and take one HDSDI into HDSDI-A on one screen and take the other HDSDI cable from the server and go into HDSDI-A on the second screen. Then edit the macros on the two projectors to only look at the A input. It will be 10bit color, but absolutely nobody will notice at a drive-in. You are absolutely assured that will play frame-for-frame in sync because both projectors are being fed from the one server.


          • #35
            It will be 10bit color, but absolutely nobody will notice at a drive-in.
            Ha! Nobody would notice in an indoor either. You might get a post person to notice...someone that color times things but that is about it.


            • #36
              Having to deal with some of those "post persons", I doubt even they will notice, at least if you don't tell them, because, once you start telling people stuff, they magically start to see and hear stuff... While 12 bit per components is 4 times the resolution per "color" than 10 bit, in my opinion, 10 bit is good enough for DCI-P3. Maybe once we go into the realms of Rec.2020 and beyond, those two extra bits can work their magic.

              Originally posted by Barry Floyd View Post
              This is definitely a MAJOR motion picture. Its about as MAJOR as you can get. We shot them a price with the cost of the live PA included in the 4 wall rental. Have yet to hear back if they'll accept it or not. If they do, that's great. If they don't, that's fine too. Sometimes you just want to play movies and go home at a normal time.
              So, the wireless headphone idea isn't the solution you're looking for? They're bikers and they want their sound to be heard by everybody? :P


              • #37
                Have you got this project solved?

                I've seen that Chase mode on Doremi servers should be free now, but only 1 CPL could be played in sync (according to documentation, have not tested chase mode as of now). The other way will be single server + 2xSDI splitters, dual projector KDM and SDI inputs + LDs for both the projectors.

                Other issues with echo should be dealt on the PA (correct alignment of the line array, and possibly other ways of audio cancellation in the unwanted areas). If you have 2 second delay for the sound travelling, you can still deal with it manipulating DCP playback on one of the synced servers if you use Chase mode, but this I suppose will require some trial. I've also thoughts, that Barco ICMPs could be synced (license needed) and should use the LTC input to sync the playback, so possible manipulations of the sync here.

