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No announcement yet.
Deluxe "eCinema" delivery service is coming in December
I just got an email stating that the Trailmix will be sent by the "eCinema" delivery starting next week.
For the WK 15 initial rollout, we expect the transmission time to take 1-2 days due to the final file size: ~750GB for English/French and ~450 for English only. After this first initial send, the speeds will increase as only new trailer content will be synced each week.
I just got an email stating that the Trailmix will be sent by the "eCinema" delivery starting next week.
I'm still not getting emails from Deluxe like that. Can you share the entire email like the "From" address, subject, and body so I can open another ticket with them? I'd sure like to receive the same announcements everyone else is.
Also, are you billed for TrailMix drives normally? My movie booker said we were supposed to be charged $40 per DCP for trailers so we only signed up for once a month delivery but I've never received an invoice for TrailMix drives, only movies. I never said anything because it seemed like we were getting lucky. This was after I purchased my Theatre in March 2020 and reopened in March of 2021 so maybe Deluxe forgot to bill us for it during Covid times.
Also, are you billed for TrailMix drives normally? My movie booker said we were supposed to be charged $40 per DCP for trailers so we only signed up for once a month delivery but I've never received an invoice for TrailMix drives, only movies. I never said anything because it seemed like we were getting lucky. This was after I purchased my Theatre in March 2020 and reopened in March of 2021 so maybe Deluxe forgot to bill us for it during Covid times.
As stated before and repeated by James (and now me), the TrailMix service is free, at least for now.
I am hopeful that keys will be on the Deluxe sooner than later. For the second movie in a row now, the "One" portal has not worked and I've had to get it out of my email. Not much difference or more work or anything, but it's just kind of irritating to go through the whole Deluxe One log-on process and then have it not work.
I just got an email stating that the Trailmix will be sent by the "eCinema" delivery starting next week.
I never get these emails from them either, but I do get the key emails and the ones saying a movie has been downloaded to the FilmVault. Maybe they're not deploying TrailMix content to the US yet.
I emailed their support tonight and they said the email to Frank is only for Canadian theaters. Trailmix is not ready for US theaters yet but it is coming eventually.
Seems like we're the guinea pigs; when they start sending stuff over the Internet we're the ones who get it first and they see what happens. I suppose "Canadian theatre" is as good subset as any.
Now that the movie distribution thing seems to be working smoothly, it's time to move onto the trailers....
Our trailmix download also started yesterday. They sent us a drive too. The download isn't finished yet, probably because each trailer downloads separately then there a 1-5 min delay until the next one starts. I reported this behavior to them today and they said they'll fix it in the future so there's less idle time between each trailer file.
They didn't announce this to us, I just noticed it in the deluxe portal then checked our router graphs to see the download happening.
They seem to just do some kind of a diff on the trailer directory, probably using something like rsync, so the weekly file transfer for trailers doesn't really amount to that much.
The trailers just get updated each week by magic, and I don't even notice anything happening until they send me an email saying "here's the new stuff".
They seem to just do some kind of a diff on the trailer directory, probably using something like rsync, so the weekly file transfer for trailers doesn't really amount to that much.
The trailers just get updated each week by magic, and I don't even notice anything happening until they send me an email saying "here's the new stuff".
That would make the most sense. I'm actually excited that they've started doing the trailers now too. That was always the biggest pain in the ass for me with hard drives constantly showing up
EDIT: Its also nice because the titles appear alphabetically on the ingest page in our IMS3000. Hard drives were always displayed in a random, jumbled order so browsing through it was a real chore.
With drives, I also felt like we needed to ingest almost every trailer just in case we showed one of the movies. I didn't hold onto the drive very long.
Now with the QNAP having 16tb of storage and content being stored for quite some time and our GDC only having 2tb, I'll only ingest the trailers we actually need to keep our GDC much cleaner and less cluttered with trailers. And I assume we'll now get weekly updates for trailers instead of us only getting one trailmix drive every 4 weeks prior to this.