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BARCO DP2000 question

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  • BARCO DP2000 question


    I got an DP2000 we now want to use for openair.

    I know it is an old Series 1 projetor but seems to have low hours.

    It is working but can only be controlled over the TI setupsoftware (the one with the nice password).

    It even plays encrypted DCPs.

    The BARCO part of the projector is not reachable wth the communcator.
    I cannot control the lamp current for example.

    There is no IP adress present.
    I tried a lot of versions of the communcator.
    I tried serial connections,
    I tried IP scan.
    When trying to connect on the serial way it responds "unknow projetor model" and then disconnects.
    Anyone has an idea how to fix this?

    I think the projetor was flashed with the DP100 flash and now something is mixed up.

    Does anyone has the DP2000 flash (1.4.82 or even earlier) and can send it to me?

    Or anyone has an idea how to solve this.

    Thanks for any help


    PS: the projetor doesn't have a touch panel for control. Would that fix my problem?
    Last edited by Christopher Mondt; 02-08-2022, 04:14 PM.

  • #2
    The touch panel likely wouldn't help you, because it communicates with the projector via IP or RS232, and you've already tried both.

    The fact that you can play DCPs suggests to me that the TI formatter interface board is OK, but that the board that handles communication (the Series 1 equivalent of the CCB - it's been so long since I've touched a Series 1 Barco that I've forgotten what it's called) is not. Try pulling everything, contact cleaning, then reseating as a first step? I know that the spring loaded multi-pin connector for the FIB has a habit of going bad in those things, but if you're playing content OK, I don't think that's the problem in this case.

    Have you tried Wireshark rather than an IP scanner? That might give you the address, and/or tell you that it's asking for a DHCP address. I have experienced a Series 2 CCB suddenly reverting to the factory default address ( a couple of times, for no apparent reason.

    Obviously you need to be sure that you've got a valid Dallas key and unlock code before doing this, because if you have no way of getting in to the projector with Barco Communicator, you have no way of assigning a new key and/or code.


    • #3
      If the CCB equivalent gets changed, one has to fix the PM number and UN code. You need a special program to generate it (codegen.exe) and the secret means to configure it on Communicator. It has been a LONG time since I've done one that I may be missing some steps and it is entirely possible that your controller has gotten into a bad state that it won't be serviceable.


      • #4
        As Steve says, it's been a long time

        Can you use putty and see what the serial port transmits when you connect/power up the projector?
        There used to be an old software "DC Toolset" if memory serves, which you may want to try.
        I believe you don't need very old versions of the Communicator to work with a DP2000 but I'm not dealing with Barco anymore so not sure what happened over the past few years.

        Sent you a link with the latest software I have. Question is: if you cannot connect to the CCB, how are you going to upgrade it?


        • #5
          My understanding is that the current Communicator (5.16.1 AFAIK) should work with every Series 1 through Series 3 (BLP/CLP series) Barco. That's one of the reasons it's around 100 GB (the other being that large chunks of the service manuals are actually built into it).

          Good point about PuTTY: that for the RS232 and Wireshark for IP should give you a raw, unfiltered view of what is actually coming out of those ports.

          I'm going to have to hit the manuals to remind myself of the board architecture of those things. If I remember correctly, there is a board in the card cage that combines some of the functions of the ICP and CCB in a Series 2 machine, and then there is the Formatter Interface Board (FIB), which sits vertically on the light engine chassis and mates to a multi-pin connector using a spring loaded arrangement, on the light engine side of the backplane. It does some, but not all, of what the ICP does in a Series 2 projector.

          IMHO, pulling, contact cleaning, and reseating everything would be a sensible first step, if and only if you know that have a good Dallas key and unlock code. It might be an idea to check this (numeral buttons should go yellow after applying a valid Dallas key, then green after entering the correct code) before opening up the chassis and triggering a tamper.


          • #6
            Can I check that with "touch panel" you mean that the projector still has the built-in control panel? Without that you wouldn't be able to type the Dallas key code to re-arm the marriage (assuming any of those keys still work...)


            • #7
              The external touchpanel is missing. I have buttons for typing in the pass.

              Thnaks for all the good input here.
              I will report if I'm successful..


              • #8
                Hopefully, the buttons all still work. I seem to recall there was a tricky way to change the password in these cases. I have an entire DP2000 I dragged home but I'm sure you'll find parts closer to you.


                • #9
                  the password can be changed via the "service" username - so the trick is to find which keys still work and then use a password with those (or that) button. So if only button "2" works, the password can be "222222". I remember Barco added the ability (or wanted to) to input the code via communicator but not sure whether that was done for series 1 too.


                  • #10
                    No, just series 2 and you had to get to 2.8.86 for that to function and Communicator 5.12. The S1s are frozen in time and I suspect it won't be too much longer until the S2 and S3s are as well.


                    • #11
                      Likewise, you can also assign a new Dallas key to the projector using Communicator if you lose the one that came with the projector. But if you can't communicate with it using Communicator at all, these options aren't there, hence my advising Christopher to be sure that he has a known good key and unlock code before triggering a tamper.

                      I had one site that kept a small hammer, plus with a large screwdriver with electrical tape wrapped around the head next to the projector. They used them to select presets using one of those nipple buttons that was going bad! They needed to use steadily harder whacks with the hammer over a period of several months, until eventually it no longer worked, no matter how hard they hit it, and they had to have me replace the button panel.


                      • #12

                        on the BARCO board I found a MAC adress written on a sticker.
                        It is different than the TI front end has.

                        I think that is the port where I need to reach. (but cannot...)

                        Is there a way to set this MAC somewhere in the internal router?

                        When I switch the TI MAC adress to the BARCO adress it gives a fault when logging in.
                        That means it is probably active.



                        • #13
                          Note, when trying to connect Communicator via RS232 on a computer, a bit of a deceptive thing is that one connects to the "Touch Panel" port, not the "RS 232" port (both are serial). The RS232 port is for external control via an automation of some sort using Barco's communication protocol. "Touch Panel is for using Communicator and not an actual touchpanel (which uses its own cursed mini-din connector on the rear.

                          Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 7.42.02 AM.png


                          • #14
                            Is there a little switch or knob somewhere that determines whether, via a LAN connection, you're talking to the projector or the TI board (which has a separate IP identity on Series 1 machines)? There is on some NECs.


                            • #15
                              WOW !!!

                              That was easy.
                              Connected the serial to the touch panel and not the RS232.

                              Now I could enter the BARCO board and change the IP.
                              The IP was very strange and in a small netmask.
                              Thats why I couldn't reach it.

                              Thank You very much Steve.

                              After updating several things everyhing seems to run fine.

                              Thank You all


