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Today I went to log in ( I log in on a regular basis ) and without warning, it is saying "Password must be at least 12 characters"
Without being able to log in I cannot make the needed change.
Is anyone else getting the same message?
Yes. Both I and an MiT co-worker were hit with this just before we left for Cinemacon. Pressed the "I forgot my password - please send me a reset code" button, but the reset code did not arrive in my email inbox until about an hour later, and it had expired. Tried again; same result. Didn't have time to bug Cinionic about this before the show, but thanks for the reminder - need to do so soon, as regular service calls start again next week, and I will need to download stuff.
Yes. Both I and an MiT co-worker were hit with this just before we left for Cinemacon. Pressed the "I forgot my password - please send me a reset code" button, but the reset code did not arrive in my email inbox until about an hour later, and it had expired. Tried again; same result. Didn't have time to bug Cinionic about this before the show, but thanks for the reminder - need to do so soon, as regular service calls start again next week, and I will need to download stuff.
I've tried many times over the last two weeks to reset my password on this site, but whenever I click on "send me a reset link," either the email doesn't arrive at all, or after the link has expired. Asked Cinionic for help, and they say that they can't address it themselves and have to bat it to Barco. I can't find any way to contact Barco themselves via their website. There is no email address, and clicking on "open a support ticket" simply takes me to the login screen that I now can't get past.
And now Cinionic have stopped replying to my emails, and I've had a request for breakdown help involving a DP-90. Yes, I know that they don't officially support it anymore, but if I could at least download the service manual, that would be a start.
I've tried many times over the last two weeks to reset my password on this site, but whenever I click on "send me a reset link," either the email doesn't arrive at all, or after the link has expired. Asked Cinionic for help, and they say that they can't address it themselves and have to bat it to Barco. I can't find any way to contact Barco themselves via their website. There is no email address, and clicking on "open a support ticket" simply takes me to the login screen that I now can't get past.
Have you checked the e-mail headers of the password-recovery link they send to you? The e-mail headers list the transport information of your actual e-mail, they're often quite full with pretty useless information, but often times, when there is some problem with your mail, the cause can be found here. You should be able to see the timestamp when Barco sent it out. If they sent it out in time, but something in your mail system is delaying the delivery, it's something you can try to get fixed "on your side". Sometimes, the technique of "greylisting" causes these kinds of problems. You can ask your e-mail provider to permanently whitelist a certain e-mail address or domain, in order to avoid it.
Frank - getting on the horn is not an option. The only number I have is for Cinionic, and they have now replied to my email and done all they can (i.e. asked Barco to fix the fault). Barco's website does not give any phone number for Barco themselves. They clearly don't want to be phoned.
Marcel - I didn't get as far as dissecting email headers. After the first late email arrival, I did ask our IT guy to make sure that our Outlook hosted service is configured such that no firewall or crap/malware filter is intercepting any email from a @barco.com or a @cinionic.com address, and sending it straight to my inbox. He told me that he'd done that. Annoyingly, I've deleted the two or three late reset link emails I did receive, and so can't do that retroactively.
Incidentally, the email address that the Cinionic tech who is helping me passed the query to is barco.partnerzone [at] barco.com, in case anyone else needs it.
Marcel could be onto something about graylisting, though. I had exactly the same problem when dolbycustomer.com forced me to change my password around a year ago. I had to do it in the heat of the moment in the middle of a field call, and had forgotten what I'd changed it to by the time I came to make a note of it. Clicked the "send me a reset link" button, and no email ever arrived; rinsed and repeated several times. When I called Dolby, they were able to reset it within moments there and then, and so it didn't turn into a major problem. The root cause of the problem in this case seems to be that Barco's presence in the USA cinema market is entirely conducted through Cinionic, meaning that we don't have direct access to the company that actually maintains the website.
At least the password I need them to change isn't quite as R-rated as the recently revealed one for Hunter Biden's infamous laptop...
Since the Sharp take over, NEC has changed something too, although I doubt I will need to download any firmware any more. I was logging in to see if they had added any new versions, which over the last year has only amounted to a couple new lamps. If try to log in on your familiar password, you now get what you see in the image attached....
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At least the password I need them to change isn't quite as R-rated as the recently revealed one for Hunter Biden's infamous laptop...
I have Hunter Biden's laptop here. Since it had a secure type of Log On I have since reformatted the drive and put a clean Windblows 10 on it... So they aren't going to have much luck getting the data off of it.
I wish there was a real means to stop it from updating.
There is a way to stop Auto-Update... In fact there are three different ways to stop auto update. Mine has not auto updated in going on two years, it only updates manually. In fact on the Windows Update page it even says in red wording that "The Administrator has taken control of this function". I can send you the article if interested...