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Yeah, I'm interested as none of the ones I've tried have ever worked.
Here is the link. I shut mine down via the registry method, #2... There are only two TMS out there that are running Windows 10, the rest are still on 7. But apparently it also still updates.
This is getting incredibly frustrating. Eventually, the generic email address at Barco responded, with a paragraph, obviously copied and pasted from a script, telling me to do again exactly what I've been doing repeatedly for the past 2-3 weeks without success (press the "send me a reset link" button). They clearly didn't even bother to read my description of the fault properly. And Cinionic appears to have given up trying to get any resolution out of them. Once again, emails asking for updates are going unanswered.
I must have gotten lucky as I was able to update mine on the first try weeks ago (right when they made the switch). I really hate it when companies hit one with the password change as you login. Normally, I'm logging in because there is a problem and I need a document or firmware update or something and time is not a luxury. I'd rather get an email asking me to do it...sure I might not do it then but at least I would know about it in advance.
Within minutes of my last post, an email arrived from someone at Barco. There was a bug in the website. After he'd fixed it, I tried the "reset link please" button, and the email arrived within 10 seconds. I'm back in. It's just so frustrating that it had to turn into such a huge saga.