So I have a NEC NC800C we bought back in 2007. It has worked great for 15 years as our DI Theater's color grading projector. I've always had an issue where the projector won't turn on consistently from the remote control, software app, or the on button on the physical projector. I have to flip the breaker off and on, and then it will respond and turn on. This hasn't been an issue when it's off, but recently this has been happening while the projector/lamp is on, and I can't turn it off. Killing the power via flipping the circuit breaker off is the only way to turn it off. It seems that after being on for more than 15 minutes or so it will enter this state and I'm worried that if I keep doing this it will be permanently damaged. When it won't turn off, the lamp is on and it displays images and works just fine, it just won't turn off from the remote, app, or physical button. It definitely drops off the network when it gets into this state. If I ping it in a terminal it will ping for awhile then eventually stop. I thought it might be a network issue but that wouldn't explain the power button on the projector itself not working as well.
We don't use the projector as often as we used to, as we usually grade off an OLED for commercial clients. For feature clients we still use the projector. It was barely used during Covid the last 2 years and my last long form project I finished recently is where I noticed this issue. NEC supoort says it's basically a 'dead product' and no parts are available anymore considering the age. Just curious if anyone has had this issue and has a solution that didn't involve replacing a card, as that's not an option for us at this point. I'm a colorist and not an engineer, so not sure how to precede. Thanks in advance for any comments.
We don't use the projector as often as we used to, as we usually grade off an OLED for commercial clients. For feature clients we still use the projector. It was barely used during Covid the last 2 years and my last long form project I finished recently is where I noticed this issue. NEC supoort says it's basically a 'dead product' and no parts are available anymore considering the age. Just curious if anyone has had this issue and has a solution that didn't involve replacing a card, as that's not an option for us at this point. I'm a colorist and not an engineer, so not sure how to precede. Thanks in advance for any comments.