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RAIDAR unsupported protocol

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  • RAIDAR unsupported protocol

    Tried to reach the Admin page for my ReadyNAS 2100 and get an unsupported protocol warning. Safari on my MAC will let me click through after a few warnings, Firefox won't let me through. Chrome and Edge on PC laptop won't let me through at all.

    Unfortunately, while Safari will let me through, it will not build the page.

    Safari worked fine until I upgraded to Monterey a few weeks ago.Chrome used to work, but I don't know how many updates of Windows it has gone through in the last year.

    Does anyone know if NetGear has upgraded Raidar, or has a work around that doesn't involve an older computer? I'm using 6.5.0, which says there are no updates. Firmware 4.2.27

  • #2
    I also have a Ready NAS. You can look on the Ready NAS downloads page for your model and see if there is a newer version of firmware. But before loading it you may want to check on the forums to see if there are any bugs in it first, and that it is stable... I updated mine and it was very buggy. The only savoir was that you can update it's OS without losing the RAID itself. So I took it back down to the last version that it had previously been running on, and all was well again...


    • #3
      I remember that once I received an 'unsupported protocol' error when it was in fact a wrong password. You may double check that. Also, Firefox allows to force or disable certain security options using the 'about:config' option in the address entry field. If you google for that error, you may find a suitable option.


      • #4
        Actually, because I gave mine the wrong password one too many times, mine automatically locked me out. You will still be able to access files on it, but not any of the setup stuff. Not sure if all Netgear storage units do this, but I suspect they do as a safety thing. Reinstalling the OS fixes it.


        • #5
          RAIDiator was discontinued ages ago - your version is also outdated, from 2014. Latest RAIDiator is 4.2.31 (ok, still old stuff from 2017!). I am not sure whether updating to the latest version will fix the issue but it may be that some protocols the older RAIDiator uses are not supported by modern browsers anymore.

          I couldn't find anything online but I recommend you ask the Readynas official community, someone from Netgear WILL help you there.

          I believe your NAS is x86 (i.e. not ARM) so it should support OS6. While it is not officially supported by Netgear, they went the extra mile to make sure it works with the older devices - you just can't complain if something won't work!
          Netgear made a little script to execute which will prepare the NAS to install OS6 (the process is reversible but you must reset the whole thing every time).

          I have been on OS6 for years. It was a bit glitchy at the beginning - some fans not reporting the speed and stuff like that - but they fixed all the bugs and it's been working fine for a while now and my 10 years old NAS is running the latest OS. The only thing is that OS6 is a bit more demanding. I upgraded my Pro 6 to the most powerful CPU I could install and added the largest amount of RAM I could (years ago, for very little as it's all obsolete stuff!) and still I did notice the NAS was running a bit warmer.

          Bottom line: ask Netgear but if you feel like playing with your NAS I definitely recommend going to OS6.

          BTW: Are you using your NAS with a projector? In that case it's better to see what the projector manufacturer has to say about that!


          • #6
            Sounds like Apple decided to trash some old TLS standards or SSL codecs and now your browser and your old NAS can't find a common ground any more to communicate. Besides upgrading the OS on your NAS, the only other workaround is using a machine with older software.

            I keep an old Virtual Machine around with Windows 7 and a bunch of old browsers and old Java versions... This allows me to connect to outdated web-applications. You could do the same.


            • #7
              Went back to an old laptop which hasn't been upgraded for a few generations. Still won't work on Safari, but the version of Firefox I have on it will let me in after warning me that the server does not meet current TLS standards.

              I do use Raidar version 6, and yes, using the NAS with a projector (Solaria One (do we really need the One anymore?)). I've never asked the Christe NOC about it, but they've never said anything about it updating or getting rid of it when we were having Raid problems. Replaced all of the drives last year with their help.


              • #8
                I believe RAIDiator stopped at 4.x. Version 6.x is not called RAIDiator/Raidar anymore (I believe it's called OS6). Back when I did training Christie did not have preferences about the NAS used. I believe - I may be mistaken - they started setting some HW/FW combinations after (not surprisingly) hitting some issues with some specific combinations on some brands.

                If the system is not on the internet, I wouldn't worry too much about the version you're running. If it's accessible etc, then I may want at least to update to the latest 4.x available.


                • #9
                  Mine says Raidar 6.5(6.5) which I believe is the last Raidar update. Maybe they changed the name later. Still at firmware It's working, so no need to mess with it until some other upgrade forces our hand;>


                  • #10
                    RAIDar is just software to find your NAS, hence the "clever" name. When you know the IP address of your NAS, you can connect directly using your browser. So, updating RAIDar to the latest version will not make your SSL troubles go away. The only way to do so, is to update the firmware on your NAS.

                    TLS/SSL is a moving target, as cyphers and sub-protocols that are part of the SSL specification get dumped and new ones get introduced. Eventually, if you don't keep your software updated, the server and client can't find a common cypher anymore and then stuff starts to break like it does right now.

                    Before you start updating the firmware, you should check what versions are still supported on it and what versions Christie supports. Like Marco indicated, somewhere between version 4 and 6, they dumped the RAIDiator naming convention and are now calling it ReadyNAS OS instead.


                    • #11
                      Marcel: Thanks for the explanation. We have a tech call scheduled, so I'll see about getting this done.


                      • #12
                        I hope it’s a good tech, I’m not sure the average cinema tech can resolve this for you. This is not directly supported by Christie and OS6 is not directly supported by Netgear - so it not a ‘click here to update’ task.

                        apologies for the Raidar confusion, it’s as Marcel says of course.

                        hopefully the very latest 4.x version of the firmware may solve the issue for you

