Sounds like a good approach. The text in /ConfigFlash.html is what makes the generic product this particular one. So, serial number plus all user settings are stored there. The firmware and hardware versions are not stored there but are, instead, read from the firmware and hardware on power up. That's why the are a comment in /ConfigFlash.html if they are there at all.
Other products that have /ConfigFlash.html include the IRC-28C (with the latest firmware, see - QSC had not released these versions, but I hope MIT will), and the LSS-200. I do not have easy access to these. Perhaps someone could capture /ConfigFlash.html from units they have.
Other products that have /ConfigFlash.html include the IRC-28C (with the latest firmware, see - QSC had not released these versions, but I hope MIT will), and the LSS-200. I do not have easy access to these. Perhaps someone could capture /ConfigFlash.html from units they have.