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You can look up the DCP naming convention - I don't have it atm. I believe this is the OCAP/CCAP subtitling language, Latin American Spanish.
The keys are quite small files and don't add up to enough data to matter. Some distributors send every possible KDM for a feature to avoid the hassle of dealing with calls for KDMs from a site deciding to play an OCAP show or a different language VF for HI or ethnic customers. All variations have different UUIDs and need specific KDMs.
You don't need to ingest any OV or VF content you won't be using.
EN_LAS=English with Latin American Subtitles
EN_XX= English, no subtitles.
Get a look at that aspect ratio, btw. We just ran it, so I will warn those of you with movable side masking the the opening Company Production cards (what ever you call those things before the titles) are not all in 1.55, so a few will show on your masking. But screw them. If they are going to release a movie in 1.55 they should make the whole picture in 1.55.
I will warn those of you with movable side masking the the opening Company Production cards (what ever you
call those things before the titles) are not all in 1.55, so a few will show on your masking. But screw them.
Netflix is great at having the opening logo/production title cards AND often the end credits in a totally different
aspect ratio than the feature. (If the feature is anything other than 1.77 ) Last year at Telluride I ran some
Netflix release that was 1:33, and, at the beginning in addition to the NETFLIX ID, (1.77) it had additional title
logo cards for several other co-production companies- - in at least 3 different aspect ratios. And the end credits
went back to 1:77 but fortunately, they were composed so that they (mostly) fit inside the 1:33 masking area,
so I didn't bother to muck around with the masking for the one or long lines in the credits where a few letters
spilled onto the black. The final NETFLIX logo went "full screen" but their end logos are only about 2.5sec long,
and at that point curtains are closing, lights are raising, and 99% of the people were out of the auditorium anyway.
To re-quote Martin: "screw them" lol
Seriously. How hard is it to conform title cards? Or are they contractually obligated to show them in the biggest aspect ratio available within the specific container?
Seriously. How hard is it to conform title cards? Or are they contractually obligated to show them in the biggest aspect ratio available within the specific container?
What Carsten said...
How many of those Netflix and Amazon Studios DCP releases have been complete screwups? Those cinema engagements are just there to get their titles considered for an Accademy Award amongst others...