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NEC NC1000 - black screen after P Button & Title reset

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  • NEC NC1000 - black screen after P Button & Title reset

    Another day, another mystical story - after using "P Button & Title reset" on a NEC NC1000 w/IMS2000 the screen went black - now I know I shouldn't have done this without a backup file but it seemed as pretty safe thing to do to clean up a machine with a lot of old and useless presets made at various events...

    The lamp is on, the douser is open, I can see the light on the screen but nothing beside it, not even a test pattern from a DCC Communicator/projector panel.

    Both IMS and projector are not showing any errors, IMS->projector communication test is successfull.

    What I've tried so far was:
    - preset button & title reset one more time
    - IMS re-seat + re-marriage
    - various projector's title options

    Projector's input is set to IMB, but there's no difference when switching to test pattern as I've mentioned.

    I think it's either something really obvious or something really odd that I'm missing... any ideas?

  • #2
    It was caused by LUT-SCC set to zeroes2K_LE after P Button & Title reset. After setting it up correctly everything is well Hope it will help somebody in the future.

