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Audio issue with DCP-o-matic

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  • #16
    Uh Oh. I seem to have spoken too early. I added some more background music and a couple of slides and the problem has re-occurred.


    • #17
      Oh no! I had a try myself and found another similar bug (the bad sound comes back after you move around in the timeline). This version also contains a fix for that, if you could try it?
      Last edited by Carl Hetherington; 11-20-2022, 03:13 PM.


      • #18
        Thanks Carl,

        I added the background audio and it ran perfectly. As the audio track finished before the end of the slides I added another track that is truncated at the beginning so that it finishes exactly at the end of the final slide.

        Interestingly, whilst everything up to the point where the second background track commences is perfect, the three voiceover tracks from that point are distorted, nowhere near like before but certainly noticeable.

        I removed the second background track and the voiceover is OK again. Putting it back in introduces the distortion, except up to that point which is still fine.

        Just 60 seconds short of perfection!!


        • #19
          Is it possible to send the metadata.xml file from inside that project from a state where the distortion is there?


          • #20
            Thanks for sending that file - you found another bug! Hopefully fixed by this version...


            • #21
              Thanks Carl,

              I noticed when I opened the project after installing the updated dcp-o-matic that a message came up very briefly to say that it had trimmed the second background track that was causing the issue, by a number of milliseconds. I had never seen that before so am assuming that it was related to the bug fix.

              It seems to be OK now, however I will make a DCP and take it with me to the cinema to test properly and report back.


              • #22
                Right - the problem was related to trimming, indeed.


                • #23
                  I ran the slides DCP at my cinema last night and it appeared to function perfectly.
                  Thanks Carl

