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WiFi Pass on GDC SR 1000

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  • WiFi Pass on GDC SR 1000

    The GDC SR 1k has a built in WiFi access point on the standard IP address, which I consider a neat feature.
    Going through the documents I have, simply connect and get access.
    My problem, can anyone help with the default password? All other codes are pretty standard.

    Thanks. St

  • #2
    You will likely have to contact GDC Tech support for that. The Wi-Fi is built into the Raspberry Pi that's on board. Not sure where the GDC Support office is for Germany, but I will message you the email address for the one in Burbank.


    • #3
      allcolleages I contacted, didn't really know about the feature. What i don't understand,marketing describes a feature, that's not documented in their lierature. All it offers is an on and off button in the GUI...
      Well technology, and in most cases something users do not really reed. But in this special case in a museum... it could be helpful.


      • #4
        Yea, that is strange. Perhaps it's a down the road sort of thing for use later on. But when one buys any Pi 3B as of July 2016, or a 4 board, the wifi is on the board.


        • #5
          I've sent you via PM the password. I've tested once the wifi function to see if it could be useful for a customer, but you have to be near the unit and you will not have internet connection on the tablet/laptop, so I did not went further with that.


          • #6
            My guess is that it is similar to the IMS3000's bluetooth option (you have to buy the bluetooth emitter) where the benefit is that one can wirelessly control the server itself, now that screens and keyboards are things of the past.

