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But then why not let the higher-end theatres play the higher-end sound? Certainly, the least common denominator theatres play the 5.1. Who is more likely to be able to support (or want 48fps)? The PLF and more-equipped theatres with immersive and 7.1 or the 5.1 sites?
Software/firmware bundle 1.7.2 for the Barco Series 4 is now out, which includes "ICMP: fix an issue where 3D artefacts are visible on the right eye image while playing 3D 2K 48fps." So anyone with SP2Ks or SP4Ks playing the Avatar DCP in this configuration will probably want to download and install it ASAP. The release note specifically says ICMP: dunno whether that includes the ICP-D.
It includes the ICP-D. 1.7.2 also fixes an interaction with the IMS3000 where you may start a show with no image. Putting up a test pattern and clearing would restore the image. It wasn't super common but in a large plex, with 5+ shows a day, ones odds of bumping into it would dramatically increase.
I have put 1.7.2 on all of my S4 projectors and none are reporting any issues.