Has anyone an idea how to test modules of the BARCO DP90 and DP100 powersupplies?
There is a DP100 projector in a remote place which makes strange things.
There are three modules in the ballast rack.
The lamp power is going up an down form 90 to 190 Amps and back.
That is scary..
If I disable / take out two of the supplies it stays at 100 Amps (which is to low for the screensize).
How do these modules work?
Are they controled by a serial data steram?
The control cable is a mystery to me.
They seem to be similar to the moduels of the BARCO SLM projectors.
The question is, if the modules are broken or the data control is just freaking out.
Anyone has the "real" service manual for the DP100?
I know, its an old projetor but it only has 800 hours in total for now.
Thansk for any thoughts about that.
Has anyone an idea how to test modules of the BARCO DP90 and DP100 powersupplies?
There is a DP100 projector in a remote place which makes strange things.
There are three modules in the ballast rack.
The lamp power is going up an down form 90 to 190 Amps and back.
That is scary..
If I disable / take out two of the supplies it stays at 100 Amps (which is to low for the screensize).
How do these modules work?
Are they controled by a serial data steram?
The control cable is a mystery to me.
They seem to be similar to the moduels of the BARCO SLM projectors.
The question is, if the modules are broken or the data control is just freaking out.
Anyone has the "real" service manual for the DP100?
I know, its an old projetor but it only has 800 hours in total for now.
Thansk for any thoughts about that.