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You might also try to generate logs from the IMS using the following method (via USB stick, automatically) to diagnose:
1: Ensure the USB drive you’re going to use is formatted as FAT32
2: On the root of the USB, create a folder and name it “doremi”.
3: Inside the doremi folder, create another folder and name it “report”.
4: Connect the USB drive to the server for about 5-6 minutes, and then remove.
5: Inside the report folder, there will be a .tgz file which is the detailed report.
Please remember that to be able to boot up the server from USB, you'd need to use the OS clone/file - you should be able to obtain it from Dolby support or your local tech.
Also, when booted, to be able to play encrypted packages, it may need a software update (with DLM), not to mention you will have to clear tamper errors and do a re-marriage when re-seating the IMS.
Is there a way to set boot order, book into an imaging tool, so you can re-image the boot USB in the server if it gets corrupt?
Looking at the Dolby site, they want you to pull out the internal USB and use a special cable to plug it in and Rufus directly onto it.
Painful and long procedure..
I expected you could plug in a monitor and keyboard or use the BIOS to select a boot device like on any typical computer.
Ie boot into a USB disk, running linux or similar then write to the internal USB using the IMS as the computer to do the work.
What I did to create an image out of DCP2000s SVs etc. was using the linux dd command. Root access necessary.
I had a USB thumb drive connected (2 or 4 GBs) and copied directly there. I could then use USB6 on the motherboard to run it.
If the host was another similar machine, I could have needed the detailed logs for the eS/N credentials.
Root access granted, and secure sell enabled, one could also run the following (example out of raspberry pi):
ssh user@<<Server's IP>> "sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0" | dd of=/root-to-local-folder/ScreenNumberImage.iso
change <<Server's IP>>, /dev/mmcblk0 and /root-to-local-folder/ScreenNumberImage.iso accordingly.
All that with a working server (most probably not applied here) and it always runs an error for not turning the server properly off (because the image was created while on).
Now that I think of it with a working server, one can use the dd command with an attached thumb drive locally, instead of remotely.
But it's always nice to have a remote alternative.
On an IMS1000 this just worked (out of a linux terminal):
ssh root@ "dd if=/dev/sdg" | dd of=/mnt/d/Filename.iso
Saved on drive D. After zipping, it was something less than 900MB. Was 4GB at first.