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Touati asks if an ICP from a Barco can be installed into a Christie.
In theory: if we're talking about a Series 2 ICP, then the same board, manufactured by Texas Instruments, went into Barco, NEC, and Christie projectors (not sure about Sony). However, the firmware does contain some minor tweaks and additions added by the projector manufacturers, and, obviously, the faceplates are different.
I have met someone who claims to have successfully reflashed an ICP that shipped with an NEC for use in a Barco, but I have not tried to do this (or any other manufacturer transplant) myself.
En théorie : s'il s'agit d'un ICP de la Série 2, la même carte, fabriquée par Texas Instruments, a été installée dans les projecteurs Barco, NEC et Christie (je ne sais pas pour Sony). Cependant, le micrologiciel contient quelques modifications et ajouts mineurs ajoutés par les fabricants de projecteurs et, évidemment, les plaques avant sont différentes.
J'ai rencontré quelqu'un qui prétend avoir réécrit avec succès un ICP livré avec un NEC pour une utilisation dans un Barco, mais je n'ai pas essayé de le faire (ou avec toute autre combinaison de projecteurs).
Incidentally, can someone has some knowledge of digital cinema-specific French tell me what the word for "faceplate" is? I took a guess at plaque.
It physically does fit and one can talk all they want to it via the ICP program while it is in the Christie. However, the security list is different, so the Christie will never work with it and will keep a red taillight (same with an NEC). They are all the same board and only differ by the security list.
If there was a way to cross pollinate those, then you could use ICP in any of the OEMs. In fact, using the ICP update/recover, it is on the login list where it will fail when using a Barco version of the ICP update/recover versus the Christie (or NEC)...it can't login at the last step...I have found that it is sufficient to use the Barco program to get it that far and THEN use a normal Christie ICP update to finish the job.
All of the above applies to cross pollinating the Enigma (Link Decryptor) modules too.