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Because we have never used the Krix speaker, don't know if it is good?
Has anyone used this product before?
Is it durable? Will it break down? Does it sound good?
Does it have any pros and cons?
Yes, they're a popular brand "down under". They're not that common in Germany, but some service organization tried to sell them. The ones I know are solid built, perform well, and outperform some modern stuff in durability. The people designing them, know what they do.
It's just that they have to be shipped, and imported into the country. And the footprint on that is not worse, than going for China stuff.
What Stefan says. They are very well built and standard bass reflex type of speaker, High quality hardware and a minimum of snake oil used in the marketing. It comes down to value and we can use good alternatives to QSC as they go through their journey.
They are solid and in many ways equivalent to speakers found in the U.S. but without high freight costs and local support. So very popular in Australia and between better value than most.
If you're in the US and would like to hear Krix, the AMC Star Fairlane 21 has Krix behind the screen unless they've upgraded in the past few years.
They sounded fine. We sent a 15" Krix driver for repair to our usual guy in Chicago and he called us just to tell us to never send him Krix again. So support in the states might be tough.
John, that may be changing. Again, Tom Atkison is the [relatively] new national sales manager for Krix North America. It may be worth giving Tom a call. His email is tatkison at...etc. I can't claim to have heard them but I've never heard anything bad about them.
As an individuaI I find the Krix team to be really good to work with, and adding Tom Atkison to the team was a good move. I have worked with their speakers in Australia, Ireland, India, Dubai as far as calibration and they sound great.
At Trinnov we remain officially agnostic but in fact Krix is a Trinnov cinema and home dealer and they sell in Australia and other markets where they have a presence.
We recently collaborated on a 13.16.6 high end home cinema demo in Barcelona at ISE.
It comes down to value and we can use good alternatives to QSC as they go through their journey.
We can use good alternatives for pretty much all the cinema projection and audio products we install and service regularly. Most of the manufacturers whose products we represent, install, service, and use have had supply chain issues since the start of the pandemic, and continue to have them. Having to install equipment that is not the customer's first choice, because the second choice is available now but the first choice is back ordered for weeks, is now a regular part of our professional lives. LEA entering the amplifier market, and now Krix establishing a serious presence in the USA, are both very positive developments, IMHO.
I'd agree with Leo except at the start of the pandemic 2020...it was the opposite. There was an abundance of everything...stuff was showing up very early as companies were sending out their inventory (without replenishing). That helped empty the pipeline. In 2021...that is when things started to really suck.
I, often need to come up with lists of "acceptable" alternatives. I'm far less fussy about surrounds than on screen channels so I have fewer choices there. Amplifiers depend...if Q-SYS, there is the chore of getting things into AES67 or out. Dolby's DMA is getting better about that (still not rock solid, in my experience, for Q-SYS integration). There is LEA and Powersoft that have plugins for Q-SYS.
What really took it on the chin was anything that had analog and digital audio in one box or on one card. Those could have incredible lead times (year plus, some times). Anything that sourced their chips from AKM was particularly affected as their factory burned down.