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We have a bunch of USL/QSC/MIT IRC-28C with the firmware version of 140709, and we had cause to purchase three new CCR-100s that require the new MIT firmware version of 220925, but updating the emitter firmware just spins, and ends up doing nothing. Is there some way to accomplish this update, so we can get the new receivers to connect and work with them?
We've seen this happen with a number of units that date from the USL days and are still on a very old firmware version. The fix is to factory reset them and then update. Suggest taking notes or screenshots first with the settings (IP address, address of server, language preference order, idle text, etc.). Then you need to find the nuke button - it's under one of the ventilation holes in the lower right corner of the unit. Using a bent paper clip or your pokey button tool of choice, apply power to the unit with the button pushed down, wait 30 seconds, then release. That restores the unit to factory original state. It will also restore the unit's IP address to the factory default ( /
If you then update it to the current firmware, and re-enter the configuration settings afterwards, that should work.
If you need the factory default username and password, forum rules prevent me from posting them, but feel free to email service {at} movingimagetech.com.
Attached are info sheets on the firmware compatibility issue between the emitters and the readers, and the update procedure for the reader, should you wish or need to do that.
We've seen this happen with a number of units that date from the USL days and are still on a very old firmware version. The fix is to factory reset them and then update. Suggest taking notes or screenshots first with the settings (IP address, address of server, language preference order, idle text, etc.). Then you need to find the nuke button - it's under one of the ventilation holes in the lower right corner of the unit. Using a bent paper clip or your pokey button tool of choice, apply power to the unit with the button pushed down, wait 30 seconds, then release. That restores the unit to factory original state. It will also restore the unit's IP address to the factory default ( /
If you then update it to the current firmware, and re-enter the configuration settings afterwards, that should work.
If you need the factory default username and password, forum rules prevent me from posting them, but feel free to email service {at} movingimagetech.com.
Attached are info sheets on the firmware compatibility issue between the emitters and the readers, and the update procedure for the reader, should you wish or need to do that.
Thanks Leo. I have all the passwords, screenshots, etc, so that's no problem.