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Can someone check my math on a pin it yourself connector? This is to go from Showvault chans 1-8 AES to the DAX 602 AES in. I have 1 to 14, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, 4 to 17, 5 to 5, 6 to 16, 7 to 6, and 8 to 19.
I realize 7 and 8 are superfluous on the 602, but hopefully I'm pinned right. Thanks.
So the AES is actually coming out of a Doremi IMB? These are the RJ45 pinouts from the IMB:
There are two DB25 connectors on the DAX602, one of which is configured for a pin-to-pin connection from a DMA8+, and the other of which is pinned for plug 'n play from a USL processor:
So first you need to decide which of these two you're going to use, and then you need pin a DB25 male to RJ45 2 x female adapter accordingly. It looks like the output from the Doremi IMB is unbalanced, so ignore the grounds. What you describe above looks right if you're using the Dolby input.
On the DAX-602, the HI/VI has to come in on 7 and 8.
I believe AES has to be balanced hence each pair has a plus and minus. The grounds in DB25 pinouts are for shielded cables, if you use CAT5/6 STP (recommended) the shield is only connected to the metal RJ45 shells - with 8 conductors there isn't one left over in the RJ45 from 4 AES pairs for a ground connection.
Doremi analog outputs were unbalanced from either an internal D-A in a chassis server (which apparently existed but I've never seen one) or their AUD-2A D-A unit.
I have seen a very early Doremi DCP2000 that had the DB25 analog output, with it in use hooked to a CP65. This was last year. The reason I had to go to that site was a failed coolant pump in the projector, but I did flag up to the owner that if the Doremi's media block failed, they may end up having to replace the audio processor or add a DAC as well, because as far as I knew, no DCI media block with built-in DAC capabilities was still available.
Thank you fellas. I appreciate the replies. I appear to have wired my RJ-45 to DB-25 connector correctly for the DAX-602 input, but now the analog DB-25 to XLR output cable (that someone else provided) seems to be wired to the wrong spec for this application. So, now I'm trying to find the right one. Thanks again!
USL used to sell a series of adapters to take various flavors of DB25 to dual RJ45. I had the schematics on the engineering wiki, but have not had access for a few years now. I'm glad others helped!