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I've fully exhausted the scripting capabilities in more basic devices and now wish to use either a Pharos or Cueserver unit to get more elaborate effects. Does anyone out there use such a device in conjunction with a Dolby server linked over IP (I don't merely want to trigger contact closures).
Is the Dolby server likely to be compatible (over Ethernet) with either of these units?
The IMS3000 can cast string commands over ethernet.
I am not familiar with the systems you refer to. Yet, from what I see about Cueserver, for instance, there is a way for an external device to send to it a "CueScript" as they call it. https://interactive-online.com/manua...script-via-udp
So, putting one and one together, what remains is to determine the proper strings, possible escape characters, configure an external device on the server (IP, port, UDP/TCP etc.) and use those character strings to create the macros and trigger the commands you want.
Pharos claims something similar: Ethernet - Supports UDP, TCP and multicast. Configurable port and address settings. Send and receive ASCII, hexadecimal or decimal message. (Bold is mine.)
Now, someone else here may be kind enough to share experience with the specific units.
I have successfulyl controlled Pharos from Doremi DCP2KSV servers. So there's no reason the IMS300 would not talk to Pharos.
Pharos is massively felxible, there's a learning curve in programming it. The installation I was involved with, there was a 3rd party Pharos programmer on site with me and the electricians whop isntalled the lighting.