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Halo all , we are facing 3D Issue on Movie "Transformer 7" ,Left right Robot scenes ghosting images in our Normal passive 3D and Real D screens ,Any one facing the same issue.
Remember that RealD WILL show some ghosting on high contrast scenes. There is no ghostbusting that can remove that. I've only watched a few moments of Transformers so I cannot say but I'm wondering if it's just very contrasty (after all it's a Bay's production) and it just shines a light to the 3D system limitations?
Haven't seen this thing in 3D yet, not a particular high demand for 3D around here either. But it may be worthwhile to know what servers you're using.
Like Marco indicated, the L/R separation of passive systems isn't anything near perfect, so if there are heavy negative parallax scenes with lots of contrast and Bayhem on-screen, this will always result in some ghosting.
And you are applying ghostbusting on the servers, specifically or are you presuming that they apply it automatically? They don't. For the Doremi/IMS, There should be a "Real-D EQ" in Device Manager enabled. For GDC, in playback configurations, you have to enable Real-D deghosting (it is a licensed feature). In short, out of the box, none of the servers will deghost Real-D but they are all capable, if properly configured.